My Golden Globe Nominations


Temperatures have been in the teens (or single digits!) all weekend here in Colorado. To me, this translates to “only leave the house if absolutely necessary.” Which means, I only left to attend heated yoga (as a way to avoid watching football on Saturday) and to buy two bottles of wine.  Necessities, people.  Luckily, we had a giant puzzle and three seasons of Parenthood to occupy us. We made it through one and a half seasons so far and wow, what a funny but emotional show.


Aaaaand, the Golden Globes are this weekend. I live for award show season! Reading the nominations, I always feel like I missed out on a bunch of good movies/shows. And then I think about all the movies/shows that I thought were good and weren’t nominated and feel like the Hollywood Foreign Press Association must have missed out on those.

If I were part of the HFPA, the winners would be:


This is 40. Okay, so this wasn’t nominated and okay, in the end it was actually kind of depressing but I laughed so hard in some parts.  Lots of parts. And harder than I laughed at anything else I saw this year. That kind of comedy deserves some kind of award if you ask me.

Anna Karenina. My mom asked me to see this with her and I expected to be kinda bored. Much to my delight, I loved it! It was so strange and enchanting and Russian (except for all those English accents) and it totally appealed to me. Kiera Knightly basically played herself but I thought the film itself was so well done.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Christophe Waltz in Django. In my world, they are both allowed to win the same award. I’m still not sure if I’m completely sold on Django (made me cringe so much!) but these two were brilliant!


Tom Hooper as director of Les Miserables. While I wish we could have cut out about half of the singing, I have to admit that Les Mis was incredibly well-directed. And what a massive undertaking. I think the director deserves some credit.


Moonlight Kingdom. I was surprisingly delighted by this quirky little movie. The characters were amazing and I loved how wacky the plot was.


Argo. Ben Affleck. So hunky. Oh right, and the movie was pretty good too. I had such a hard time categorizing this movie. I mean it’s so serious, but then there’s Alan Arkin and John Goodman adding some lighthearted humor and it’s a total winner, in my opinion.


Shameless. Oh wait, also not nominated. Coincidentally, the season premiere is also on tonight and I will probably miss it just to watch the award show that didn’t recognize it.

Eye rolls for: anger over Robert DeNiro getting snubbed for Silver Linings Playbook, Russel Crowe in Les Mis, Denzel Washington in Flight, Taylor Swift for her song in the Hunger Games.

Also, Happy Birthday to my dad 🙂

Are you watching the Golden Globes?

What was the best movie you saw this year? Don’t lie, I know it was Magic Mike.

What do you do when it’s freezing cold outside?

2 thoughts on “My Golden Globe Nominations

  1. I don’t watch the Globe awards for the main reason of I rarely enjoy the movies that get he nominations.

    I love to stay inside with my irreplaceable when it I’d cold outside, but info tend to drink too much coffee when it’s freezing out!

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